Pando complies with the latest guidance from NHS England and NHS Digital and meets all required security standards under the Data Security and Protection (DSP) Toolkit and GDPR. Therefore any NHS health professional with access to a secure NHS email can download Pando and start using Pando today.
How can Pando support you and your hospital’s Information Governance team?
We are working with NHS Trusts, hospitals and departments across the UK. We work closely with their Information Governance teams to ensure that they have all the information they need to satisfy security and data protection requirements (for example, data flow diagrams, security overviews and data processing agreements). We welcome introductions to your Information Governance teams and will be happy to provide them with any of the following documents.
Functional Specification
Data Processing Agreement
Data Privacy and Data Protection Policy
Pando Acceptable Use Policy
Data Flows & Security Overview
Pando Clinical Information Governance Document
Pando Clinical Safety Forms
Data Protection Impact Assessment and Trust Template
If you have any questions or require support, then please get in touch