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Is Pando always free?
Written by Vicki Morgan
Updated over a week ago

Yes, Pando will always be free for the end user. Pando was established by a group of doctors who wanted to improve communication in healthcare so that health professionals could spend more time with their patients, doing the things that matter. One of our guiding principles is that these benefits will never come at a cost to the healthcare professional using Pando.

Any healthcare professional can start using Pando today. It is free to download from the iOS App Store or Google Play Store, and meets all of NHS Digital’s Information Governance requirements and instant messaging recommendations across the UK.

Departmental & Trust Wide Licenses

Some departments and Trusts are interested in purchasing our low-cost license for rollout across their organisation. This brings additional benefits to a department/Trust including:

  • Hospital or department specific data-driven dashboard 

  • Custom on demand audit trail via dashboard

  • Implementation plan and Forward staff to help drive adoption

  • 24/7 support

  • Bespoke interoperability development with existing systems

  • Desktop computer compatibility

💡 The hospital or department specific dashboard is particularly interesting because it gives real-time insights into how the hospital is functioning.

For example, in one Emergency Department, data from the Pando dashboard showed that ED communicated with General Surgery three times more than normal between the hours of 4 and 6pm on Mondays and Thursdays. This triggered a change in the system: the General Surgery SpR switched to being based in the Emergency Department for this time window each week. Data collected demonstrated that this halved the time to decision making for each of the ED patients. Real time data means real change can occur!

We are always happy to discuss our business model on the phone or via email

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